Uncrossing Oil
Sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere things start to go wrong, one after the other. Maybe you get a flat tire on the way to work, you miss an appointment, you have a bad day at work, you spill your coffee all over your favorite shirt, etc. Many people will just deem this a “stream of bad luck” because they aren’t spiritually aware of the signs of being crossed, jinxed, hexed or being a victim of the Evil Eye. Bad stuff will continually happen and the crossed condition will go untreated. This is why spiritual maintenance is so important. On top of taking cleansing ritual baths, incorporating uncrossing products will help to get rid of these conditions. I have been using this formula on myself for years, both as a bath and as an oil. This oil has allies in it that can not be put into a bath mix because it needs heat extraction and to be fed with special substances in order to become active.
I personally use this oil topically on the crown of my head or chest, added to a bath once it is prepared, and anointed on candles (specially in conjunct with a bath) in order to remove crossed conditions of any kind. This formula is really potent and works incredibly well!
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